Thursday, November 17, 2011

New Dr

I have a new Dr to talk about what my options are. I have been to the office before but with a different Dr. Dr C says I can get pregnant and I can even use my own eggs if I want. But I have 2 embryos and I can’t not use them. I love them and made a promise to A that I will give them every chance at life. I will go on the meds and everything but my insurance doesn’t pay for anything so I will have to pay out of pocket for everything. I am so excited to be able to do this on my own. I never thought I could do this before. I want to experience transfer day wearing green and having funky green socks eating McD’s french fries. I want the 2ww and peeing on pregnancy tests. I want everything normal people want like ultrasounds, heartbeats and finding out if it’s a girl or a boy or I am going to do all that!!!!!