Thursday, November 17, 2011

my life

I have Kallmann Syndrome. It is a genetic disorder where my hypothalamus doesn’t work. I have no senseof smelland neverwent through puberty. I was diagnosed when I was 20 years old. I went on birth control and that was it. No other testing or anything I can’t have babies so adopt. That has been with me my entire life. I am 39 now and want a baby more than anything. I tried the surrogacy thing but don’t have enough money to do it. I went through some bad experiences and some good but never getting what I really wanted. I did find another mom that had some embryos left from her surrogacy. She wanted a loving mom to take care of her babies. I was chosen out of 75 couples.I used 2 of them with a surrogate that didn’t work. I cried for a week over that one. I ended it with her and have been debating what to do with the other 2 embryos.